Do you know that feeling when you don't remember what you ate at noon? Well, the same thing happens to me with what I did this week...
When you have new orders, I admit that,...
Tears almost come to my eyes and I assure you that I am not happy... not even because we had received an order for 3 net containers to pack garlic in France, or 2...
Brais Pedrouzo, Co-Head of the Manufacturing Department of Ecoplas: “The main challenges when manufacturing new products from scratch, such as the new Smart Nets nets, we have encountered both in the mechanical part and...
Rodrigo Eiras González Ecoplas International Sales Manager: “Our clients are influenced by the obligations that are given to them by a series of prescribers who seek to reduce the impact of plastic packaging. Smart...
Jacobo Porteiro, Director of the Sustainability Area at the University of Vigo: "The well-understood Circular Economy has to help us to seek synergies and thus prevent our activity, and others, from generating avoidable damage"
Antonio Lozano Doctor in Microbiology: “Today's society demands new designs of formats that adapt to its needs, where food and packaging must be an indivisible couple. Food is a primary need and, therefore, the...
María Teresa Segura de la Monja Head for Quality and Environment of ACES, (Association of Spanish Supermarket Chains): “The packaging of the future must be reusable or recyclable, support the climate objectives of the...
Hans Van Burg, Plant Manager at Lenger Seafoods: “Our main challenge is to make sure that the availability of shellfish is secured, in all its types, throughout the year. For this reason, our fishing...
Chelo Escrig, Responsible for Extrusion at AIMPLAS: “Replacing all the plastic packaging in the world means producing double the energy and triple the emissions. For this reason, we must bet on the best option in...