Historiñas of a CSO: Galicia Innovation Awards 2021

Tears almost come to my eyes and I assure you that I am not happy… not even because we had received an order for 3 net containers to pack garlic in France, or 2 containers for Brittany of Filet de Catinage for the “moule of bouchot” . Deep down, I was sad because we were not awarded the Galicia Innovation 2021 awards, surely we will have more occasions.

What did cause me “deep regret”, as the song says, it was that our Director could not go up on stage and address all the attendees, General Director of Innovation, Regional Minister of Economy and Industry and President of the Xunta de Galicia… with that speech that he elaborated with so much care and that he rehearsed with such insistence over and over again with María and me.

But life is for the brave and what we have found out in these Galicia Innovation 2021 awards is that “if you don’t want a cup, have two”, and that is what we have learned. If our commitment to R+D+I has been decided all this time, from now on, it will be much more... we are willing to impact the market. Our commitment to disruptive and sustainable packaging is not a simple declaration of intent to comply with the dossier, but is based on the firm conviction and concerns of a Board of Directors who love to think outside the box.

But not everything is reduced to “living on the story” but also during this past week the team has worked hard. The acceptance that SMART NETS is having in the market is getting out of hand… we thought that it added value and relieved the pain of the clients, but it seems that it is relieved in “morphine” mode and not in ” looks like tamol.”

It’s funny how when you enter the market with an innovative idea, suddenly customers open their minds and they are the ones who propose solutions that expand the initial value provided. 

I also tell you in advance that we are preparing a webinar for March 8 on the Royal Decree, which is expected for this summer, on plastic containers. We have closed a luxury panel that will include representatives from supermarkets, technology centers and companies… a triple vision that will shed a lot of light on such a topical issue. The truth is that the Marketing team has shone… 

I leave you now, this week I have not yet sold anything between comforting the Director and so many meetings, it’s time to work.

Image: Galician Innovation Agency