ECONET A sustainable solution to the Anti-Waste and Circular Economy Law in France

A few weeks ago we told you about the approval in the Council of Ministers of a new and controversial “Plastic Law” in Spain and the immediate consequences that it will produce both in this sector and in the final consumer. This drive to find sustainable alternatives and promote the circular economy is taking place across Europe.

In France, for example, within the framework of the Anti-Waste and Circular Economy Law, it is established that as of January 1, 2022, the sale of unprocessed fruits and vegetables that are packaged in plastic will be prohibited. But this measure, like all, presents exceptions. It will remain out of application for volumes of products greater than 1.5 kg and / or the sale of bulk products that pose a risk of deterioration of the product.

Just as plastic packaging will be prohibited, labels in the form of a plastic sticker used to indicate the product’s trademark will also be affected.

In this sense, the use of products made with biocompostable-biodegradable materials will become the recommended solution in the French fruit and vegetable sector and will be applied both for French and for those companies that export fruit and vegetable products in France.

Among the sustainable solutions that Ecoplas proposes for food packaging, ECONET sustainable solution with 100% compostable material, is presented as an interesting proposal for this market.

In addition to being 100% compostable, EcoplasECONET sustainable solution meshes are:

  • Suitable for use in any type of machine
  • They comply with the EN13432 standard
  • It has the TUV Austria Certificate as OK industrial compost that complies with the Packaging and Packaging Directive (94/62 / EEC)

Regarding waste management, once the useful life of the ECONET meshes is over, they must be deposited in the brown container.

The approval of these new regulations that restrict the use of plastic as food packaging is a serious setback for Spain.

For Spain, the Gallic country is the second destination for Spanish exports, exporting fruit and vegetables worth 3,000 M/euros per year, only behind Germany, according to the Foreign Bulletin of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment. Environment of Spain.